Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Electrobliss by Apyaas

When it comes to a sweaty workout, we love the water vacation reward as much as the next fitness demon. But as mercury increases, it's more important than ever to focus on our fluids all day long. After all, water is the most important nutrient our system needs.

Our body is made up of more than half water and we use it for just about every bodily function - from body temperature regulation to waste disposal, to joint lubrication up to oxygen transport in the cells. That's the reason you feel so tired, so dizzy and so moody that you're dehydrated.

While it's true, a large glass of water is the best known way to stay hydrated, but there are many options if you do not like the taste of tap or if you can not bother with  bottled water. Of course, you can infuse tasty fruits such as orange and apple into the drinking water. But you can also get some of these water-rich foods and liquids that keep the H2O balance just right - and you will not need to go to the water cooler!
Most (non-alcoholic) drinks will contribute to your daily water intake.

Sugar and sodium are good things when it comes to sports drinks! In addition to the electrolytes and proteins found in electrobliss energy drink available on the market, sugar and sodium can restore your body's balance faster than water after a grueling workout of over 90 minutes. For shorter workouts, sports drinks can simply mean a lot of extra carbs you do not need. 
For more details, visit www.apyaas.in

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